When I see the word SPLAT, I think of those Nickelodeon slime machines. The ones primed and ready to be sprung on any unsuspecting celebrity at the annual Kids’ Choice Awards? The kind boldly trying to make a technologically-boosted comeback with the…NFL? Yes, that did happen.
But the beauty of the dictionary is how you can start with one word you think you know and stumble upon a definition you’d never heard of. Case in point: a splat is also “a broad, flat piece of wood, either pierced or solid, forming the center upright part of a chair back…” The more you know, I guess.
I added the hourglasses within them because it’s a reminder as much to me as to anyone: time in the chair is where the good things happen. The brainstorming and the idle daydreaming is crucial, yes. But ideas aren’t much of anything without a little bit of execution, and that’s where the splat, the space where you press your back into when you’re especially feeling your way through a piece, really does its job.