One of my favorite ways to get inspired is to look through any magazine. The colorful, glossy pages are visually stimulating on their own. But they’re also home to a great deal of high-quality photos, a stimulating mix of models, product placement, copywriting, and digital editing. I’ll often cut out a photo of someone in a rather interesting pose and see how I can recontextualize the photo with a little bit of my own creativity.
The above picture started with a photo of a child looking for bugs in the grass. I didn’t find it in a magazine at your local grocery checkout. I found it in the middle of a thick manual for a training session in desperate competition for redefining the limits of boredom.
Since we were also talking about healthy relationships and how we, as teachers and educators, interact with our students, I couldn’t help but think something we’ve been told often but often forget: that children notice far more than we ever give them credit for. Even from a very young age, they have a pulse on our temperament, sometimes in a way that outpaces our own ability to recognize it.
Any place that is home to a child – be it an actual suburban home or a school in the heart of the city – will be endlessly observed and scrutinized. The child will recognize the power dynamics. The child will know who to go to when something is needed. The child will know who to avoid. The child will always, always be watching far more than credit is given for.
And it’s not something to be scared of. I’m not trying to suggest that it’s only a matter of time before Blumhouse Productions contracts the kids in your neighborhood to be the real-life production of the next Purge movie sequel. Instead, it’s an opportunity to let our actions be our words. To let ourselves be observed in a way that pushes us closer to who we really want to be.